There Is Nothing Small About Your Energy

"You have an unlimited reserve of energy in you."

I often say this to my students, whether it's a group class or a private one-on-one. And you do - You have an unlimited reserve of energy in you.

I’m not referring to the kind of energy that would help you do five hours of jumping or running every day (there is nothing wrong with jumping or running). I don't mean the kind of energy the Energizer Bunny has that burns the candle at both ends and eventually burns out.

I’m referring to your energetic self... YOUR energy... You. The energy that resides in your heart, at your core, at your soul. Your energy that you brought with you into this world.

You have an unlimited reserve of energy in you, and when you spread your wings fully - which we’re all here to do, there is nothing small about you. I know that on some days it’s easier to spread your wings than others. And on those tough days that we can’t spread them as full, it is important we lean on our nearest and dearest who lift us up, encourage us, SEE us. But when you do spread your wings fully, there’s nothing small about you, there is nothing small IN you.

Your energy reserve is unlimited.. It’s up to you to express it, and invite others into your energy, so that they in turn can invite you into theirs. To have this energetic exchange is to have meaning, to connect with one another and be here for each other.

So share your energy, spread your wings, and know you’re here to do that. To do just that.

There is nothing small about your energy. 

Jessica Schatz