Improve Your Lifespan With This ONE Practice!

Did you know that if you can stand up and sit back down without using your hands, odds are you will live longer? That's right. Numerous studies have been done indicating that the ability to stand up from sitting without using your hands is a precursor to longevity. While it's well known that aerobic health is an important fitness staple, we also know that core strength and stability are crucial for longevity and directly related to survival.


The core is the foundation of our entire body. It's responsible for keeping us stable, strong, upright, and supported. To learn more in depth about the core and how it’s incorporated in almost every movement of the human body click here. Beyond its support of us maintaining high levels of flexibility, strength, coordination, and balance, it has a direct influence on our life expectancy.


According to the American Academy Of Family Physicians, falls are the primary cause of accidental death in people over the age of 65. Considering that more people are rushed to US emergency rooms for injuries related to falling than from any other cause, strengthening your core muscles to keep your center of gravity stable could very well save and extend your life. In fact, doctors have long used the “stand up, sit down” test to assess an older person's ability to function well and remain autonomous.


Many believe “the core” means abs and maybe the obliques and low-back muscles. These beliefs are only partly true. In fact, your “core” comprises a complex series of muscles that extend far beyond your abs, and include almost everything besides your arms and legs. Improving your core strength and stability is essential for proper function and healthy living. It also has a big influence on how our legs and upper body work. From reaching for something off a shelf, picking up something off the floor, hitting a golf ball, or simply getting up and down from your desk or couch, our core is what helps us get into a variety of positions so we may easily go about our day. Having a strong and stable core is essential to supporting a strong body. It helps us remain mobile, keeps us from feeling pain in our joints, and allows us to get around pain free as we age. 


Why improving our core strength is critical as we age:

  • Keeps us from falling

  • Improves our posture

  • Relieves back pain

  • Helps us breathe easier

  • Decreases recovery time

  • Prevents incontinence

  • Helps us complete every day activities

So whether it’s the couch, your desk, the floor, your car, stand up and sit down without the use of your hands or arms as many times a day as possible. Let’s all stay healthy and happy as we all get older and wiser!


If you find yourself struggling with this challenge don’t panic! There are a number of playlists on my YouTube channel and videos specifically created for Active Agers, including movement sequences done entirely in a chair. Suitable for all ages and some structured especially for the aging community, there’s something for everyone. I invite you to subscribe to my channel at zero cost for videos that will help strengthen and stabilize your core muscles to ensure you feel your best. For a more in-depth understanding about the core and its function, click here.

Jessica Schatz