The Naked Truth: I Turned 54 And Here's What I Know

On December 9th I turned 54 and here's what I know. Aging is not a problem to be fixed or a disease to be cured. It is a natural, powerful, lifelong process that unites us all.

It is a gift to be alive and well, and getting older is a privilege denied to many.

Every year I welcome and celebrate my birthday, and of course every year is unique and quite different from the last. The constant is that each birthday is always an expression of my truth, of where I am in my life, in my soul, at my core.

I have embraced and adopted the language “PRO Aging” as opposed to “anti-aging” as anti-aging beliefs commonly promote how to remain young or prevent aging (impossible). Pro-aging shifts the belief toward enjoying and celebrating aging - on our own terms.

However, one can hold a philosophical belief and be challenged by it at the same time. Do I still feel confronted by aging sometimes? Of course! Frustrated? Absolutely.

But through this process I have found an opportunity to cultivate a deeper sense of empowerment. One of the most valuable lessons I have learned is that when I feel empowered, I make empowered choices.

In a world that glorifies youth and perpetuates the myth that aging is something to be feared, choosing to pro age can be a powerful statement of self acceptance and celebration. For everyone, the transition is a deeply personal journey and can be a powerful time of self discovery. And regardless of how you address the external (you want to dye your grey hair? Great! You want to grow out your grey hair? Great!), it's about nurturing the inner self. Taking care of our mental, emotional, and physical well-being - continuing to learn, grow, and love.

It is about the freedom to make choices - on our own terms. The opportunity to redefine one's relationship with aging, reminding us that true beauty comes from living a full and meaningful life.
So I am celebrating my wisdom, experience, and the grace that comes with each passing year. The beauty and knowledge that comes with every gray hair, every wrinkle, all representing a chapter in my story. Lines that show I've lived, loved, and grown.

Coming home to myself over and over again. Stumbling and starting over. Reinventing and reigniting. As many times as I need to.

Aging means so much more than the passing of time. It means more courage, more clarity, more choices. more experience, more wisdom.

It is the difference between regret and inspiration. Do I want to look good as I enjoy this next stage of my life? Of course! But I'm not chasing youth. I'm looking ahead at the new and ready to embrace what time has in store for me - with a little help? Why not?

I look ahead with heart, mind, and eyes wide open, as I continue my journey of growth and discovery. I choose to live with intention and meaning, curiosity and vitality. Regardless of wrinkles, sags, aches, and pains.
So I celebrate. I celebrate the process and I celebrate the truth. Eyes and heart wide open, full of spirit and soul, possibility and promise. Still. Always.

Jessica Schatz