Welcoming A New Year


In a year I will not be the same person I am today - none of us will.

I will be rooted even further into my heart, immersed in following my soul’s mission.

I choose to welcome the new year becoming an even better version of myself. I am committed to consistent growth, dedicated to self-care, and continuing to cultivate self-love.

I am committed to consistently taking action to build my freedom - merging my passion and way of life into one, allowing a harmonious balance to emerge.

This year has taught my soul many lessons.

I have been learning - as a lifetime learner - to embrace stillness, quiet, and trust that it has so much to reveal to me.

I have stepped into a new energy and way of living my life, pursuing my purpose and passions with more ease, certainty, self-assuredness, and calm, always striving to remain unattached to the outcome.

I am designing my life around creating the highest and most authentic and majestic version of myself. Achieving awareness, infinite knowledge, wisdom, serenity, and acceptance.

Continuing to cultivate inner peace, where my thoughts and self-talk are not self-destructive. Where my mind is not grounded in fear, but rooted in trust, and a belief in myself.

Choosing to turn down distractions that take me away from my joy and my purpose or that leave me feeling empty.

Doing this by prioritizing my time and energy into actions that lead me deeper into my heart-centered life.

I look ahead with heart, mind, and eyes wide open, as I continue my journey of growth and discovery; standing by my principles, ideals, and values, living and speaking my truth, and spreading love and light...

I am mastering the art of remaining calm, influencing my ability to stay grounded in serenity.

I do not fear the unknown. I find power in my truth, I find strength in my wisdom, trust in my actions, and comfort in my heart.

I remain lovingly open to the wisdom of others while finding my own expansion through every inhale and every exhale.

I hope only to bring light and love to those around me - leading by example, teaching through knowledge, encouragement, compassion, and love.

I am grateful for the new year ahead, the breath in my body, the gifts in my life.

As we greet the new year, my wish for everyone is that we all live in alignment with our passion and purpose, that we embrace what’s ahead while allowing ourselves to let go of negativity and self-doubt.

Instead of focusing your energy on “New Year's resolutions,” I'd like to invite you to pause and reflect on what is important to you. What are your core values? For when we are aligned with our core values, they act like a north star guiding us toward authenticity and truth, integrity and meaning.

My core values for 2022 are…

1. Doing MEANINGFUL work

2. Saying yes to things that bring me a sense of UPLIFT

3. Leaning into JOY

4. Taking PURPOSEFUL action

5. And, as always, CONNECTION with others

Life is here for us to become the best version of ourselves. We are here to lift each other up - remember who you are and share your truth and light with love and compassion.

This is your one precious, wild, and beautiful life. How will you choose to live it? Your inner wisdom is constantly communicating with you through the melodies and rhythm of your beating heart. Just listen...

Jessica Schatz